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One min read

Just a quick note to let you guys know i have just uploaded a modified version of SSSPSX Pad 1.7 to change how its pressure sensitive buttons work. If you play games such as Final Fantasy XII and Gran Turismo 3 , you will know on the current release you have to press X+R2 O+L1 etc, well not anymore馃槉

11 min read

Many people have visited the forums giving ideas on how and where Pcsx2 should be optimized. While most ideas sound solid on the outside, they usually will not work in practice for various reasons. This blog will answer some of those burning questions on what Pcsx2 optimizations are important and where development work should be put in to make things run faster. We will touch on why the GPU is the bottleneck on some games and why the CPU is on others. We will also go into the distribution of workload of the various components of Pcsx2 as it is computing away. And most important, we will cover plugin design so that system resources are distributed nicely.

2 min read

Hey everyone,long time since I've posted some news on the PCSX2 site. For those who haven't noticed,the PCSX2 Configuration Guide has been updated for v0.9.2 and is now integrated in this site itself! You can view it simply by clicking on the "Guide" link at the main menu.

One min read

PCSX2 0.9.2 is out, with thousands of users busily trying PlayStation 2 emulation out, the screenshots thread has been a growing mecca of fantastic screenshots, we have thus decided to produce a rather 'unique' video demonstrating some of the many games PCSX2 0.9.2 can emulate.